A significant feature of the Greater Region forest is that much of its ownership is in the hands of multiple private forestry owners; this represents one of the primary obstacles to the development of consistent, sustainable forest management. There are no fewer than 600,000 private forestry owners, representing 40% of the forest's ownership. Among these owners, their forest heritage is of varying significance and the interest that it represents will depend on individual aspirations. The Greater Region must pay close attention to the preservation and enhancement of its forestry resources because a lack of management often leads to the failure to renew forest stands after felling.
Generally speaking, there is little support available to small private forest owners and they have access to very few support tools. This finding varies from region to region.
On the basis of these findings, the partners in this action are planning to create leverage aimed at a dynamic of restoration of private forest spaces and sustainable development of forestry resources within the Greater Region's private forests.
With this in mind, they will roll out a pilot project in the forest areas where replanting is an urgent imperative (critical areas). These areas will be identified primarily via a monitoring tool developed as part of this project. Using a cross-border plan known as a “Forest renewal contract”, they will provide financial support to facilitate forest renewal to private forest owners with one or more plots of lands in these areas, while working with them to establish a sustainable development framework for the management of their plot(s). A total amount of €300,000 (€150,000 in Wallonia and €150,000 in Lorraine) has been earmarked for owners who are brought on board under a “Forest renewal contract”.
Involved partners : Ressources Naturelles Développement (RND), Centre Régional de la Propriété Forestière Grand-Est (CRPF), Interprofession Forêt Bois Lorraine (Gipeblor).
Expected results:
- Creation of a cross-border plan to support forest renewal in “critical areas” of private forest in Wallonia and Lorraine;
- A call to owners will be made for projects for the implementation of aid across 300 ha using a sustainable management approach supported by the project operators;
- Compilation of a “best practice for forest renewal” guide for private owners.