The sustainable management of the forests of the Greater Region is affected by a number of problems and threats in terms of renewal: ageing tree populations, decrease in softwood areas (early clearcuts, falling softwood numbers), difficulties in regenerating plantations (preparing the land and large, unsuitable plants, evergreen hedges, spring droughts and summer heatwaves or violent winds), challenges to natural recovery (partial seeding, lack of hardwoods, parasite attacks, dense undergrowth), impact from large animal species and rodents, socio-economic challenges (excessive costs, herbicides and phytocides prohibited in forests, etc.)

Given the shortcomings, failures and difficulties in rejuvenating the forests of the Greater Region, specialists in seasonal diagnoses, planting, natural regeneration and handling young populations are pooling their skills with a number of aims:

  • Discussing and disseminating their knowledge and experience in this field;
  • Proposing diagnostic tools so there can be more reasoned discussions on the feasibility of natural or artificial regeneration;
  • Finding innovative ways of improving turnaround using natural regeneration and the growth of plantings at a lower cost;
  • Using appropriate techniques to control competing vegetation;
  • Testing innovative methods to enhance forest stands;
  • Producing clear advice for contractors and managers;
  • Informing and training the stakeholders concerned.

Involved partners : Ressources Naturelles Développement (RND), Centre Régional de la Propriété Forestière Grand-Est (CRPF), Société Royale Forestière de Belgique (SRFB), Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Centre de Développement Agroforestier de Chimay (CDAF), Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Landesforsten Rheinland-Pfalz. 


Expected results :

  • Tools for integrated renewal diagnosis;Des itinéraires sylvicoles de renouvellement innovants et bonnes pratiques de régénération
  • Innovative forest renewal routes and good regeneration practice;
  • A cross-border network of benchmark plots and a Living Lab;
  • Dissemination of knowledge and forestry best practice.

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